Sea Moss Is The Next Popular Wellness Supplement; This Is What The Science Says. Does It Deserve The Hype?

Sea moss, often known as Irish moss or by the scientific designation Chondrus Crispus, is commonly used as a stiffening ingredient in quick puddings, condiments, and dairy goods like ice cream. However, some people claim that leafy red algae, taken in the form of a powder, pill, or gel, might enhance your body’s defences and even help you lose weight.

In the past few years, edible sea moss has drawn interest on social media. The popular supplement has grabbed the interest of many wealthy investors. Many people have shared their tales of achievement after consuming sea moss every day, but is there real evidence to back up their claims? Here’s what the science says concerning the best brands of sea moss potential benefits for weight loss, immunity, and other health changes.

Does sea moss deserve the hype? 

Sea moss is extremely nutrient-dense and even contains vitamins A, C, E, and some B vitamins. These vitamins can improve your immune system, give you more energy, and better skin, and help your body’s natural detoxification routes.

Edible sea moss may also have the following health benefits:

  • Reduced inflammation:

It contains antioxidants, which may help reduce inflammation and minimise your risk of long-term illnesses.

  • Support with thyroid function:

Sea moss includes iodine, which helps to regulate thyroid function. Your body cannot generate iodine, so you must consume it. Thyroid glands produce hormones that govern mood, metabolism, and weight. To avoid side effects, don’t take more than one serving of sea moss supplement; the elevated iodine levels can harm your thyroid when taken in excess.

  • Improved heart health:

The food also contains minerals like potassium and phosphate, which are known to help regulate high blood pressure and overall heart health.

  • Regulated intestinal health:

Sea moss includes prebiotics that nourish healthy gut bacteria. [This] could potentially contribute to improved digestion, as well as a boost in your immunological system. There is little evidence to support the effects of sea moss on weight loss.

The effects of seaweed on thyroid function are likely why many associate it with weight loss, however, research does not support sea moss being a weight loss treatment.

You want to ensure the best sea moss Gummies are verified by a third party because the sea moss may contain contaminants like mercury or lead, regardless of where it’s harvested. By ensuring it has been third-party tested, you may “ensure that it wasn’t exposed to heavy metals.

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